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Home > Change GPS Location > Exit Life360: Guide to Leaving Circles & Respecting Privacy
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Jacob Bennett

Updated: Sep 04, 2023

4 min read

Life360 has become an increasingly popular app for families and friends, allowing them to stay connected and informed about each other's whereabouts. While this location-sharing app can provide a sense of safety and foster closer connections, there might come a time when you wish to leave a Life360 circle. This could be due to a desire for more privacy or simply because the group is no longer relevant to your current situation. In any case, it's essential to understani d how to leave a Life360 group to maintain control over your personal information and boundaries.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons someone may want to leave a Life360 circle and provide a step-by-step guide on how to do so on both iOS and Android devices. We will also discuss the importance of open communication with circle members and offer tips for managing Life360 groups and privacy. By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of how to leave a Life360 circle and navigate the balance between safety and personal autonomy.

How to Leave a Life360 Circle

Part 1. Understanding Life360 Circles and Groups

Life360 circles are private groups created within the app to share real-time locations and communicate with a specific set of people, such as family members or close friends. These circles can be customized, and members can join or leave according to their preferences.

Live360 Circle

Life360 uses GPS technology to pinpoint each member's location and display it on a map within the app. Users can create multiple circles, each serving a different purpose. For instance, one circle might include family members, while another could be for a group of friends. Each circle has its own settings, allowing members to customize location sharing, notifications, and communication options.


  • Benefits of being part of a Life360 group
  • Enhanced safety: Life360 circles can provide peace of mind by keeping family members informed about each other's whereabouts, especially during emergencies or when traveling.
  • Improved communication: The app's messaging feature allows circle members to coordinate plans, check in on one another, or send updates about their location.
  • Simplified planning: By seeing everyone's location in real-time, it's easier to plan get-togethers, carpooling, or meetups.


  • Potential downsides of Life360 circles
  • Privacy concerns: Some users may feel uncomfortable sharing their location with others, fearing a loss of privacy or potential misuse of the information.
  • Relationship strain: Constant monitoring might lead to a lack of trust or feelings of suffocation within relationships, causing tension among circle members.
  • Excessive reliance: Dependence on Life360 can lead to a false sense of security, resulting in a reduced emphasis on personal responsibility and situational awareness.

Part 2. How to Leave a Life360 Circle- Step-by-Step Guide

Preliminary considerations before leaving a circle:

  • Evaluating your reasons for leaving: Reflect on why you want to leave the Life360 circle, whether it's due to privacy concerns, changing relationships, or a lack of relevance.
  • Communicating with circle members about your decision: Before leaving the circle, consider informing the group members about your decision and the reasons behind it, to avoid potential misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Steps to leave a Life360 circle on both iOS and Android devices:

  • Step 1: Open the Life360 app: Launch the Life360 app on your device and sign in to your account, if necessary.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the circle's settings: Tap on the circle you want to leave. Once inside the circle, tap on the gear icon (settings).
  • Circle Management
  • Step 3: Select "Leave Circle" and confirm: Scroll down to the bottom of the settings menu and tap on "Leave Circle." A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm your decision. Tap "Leave" to exit the circle.
  • Live Life360 Circle

Consequences of leaving a Life360 group

  • Loss of shared location and communication features: After leaving the circle, you will no longer have access to the group's shared locations, messaging, and other circle-specific features.
  • Possible impact on relationships within the circle: Depending on the circumstances, your decision to leave the circle may affect your relationships with other group members. Ensure you have communicated your reasons and intentions clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

Part 3. Tips on Managing Life360 Groups and Privacy

Setting boundaries within Life360 circles

  • Communicate your preferences: Be open with circle members about your privacy needs and expectations. Discuss the extent of location sharing and how often you want to be monitored.
  • Customize settings: Life360 allows you to adjust your location-sharing preferences, notification settings, and communication options. Make use of these settings to create a comfortable balance between staying connected and maintaining your privacy.

Balancing privacy with family safety and communication

  • Establish a mutual understanding: Have conversations with circle members about the importance of respecting each other's privacy and the benefits of maintaining a safe, connected environment.
  • Use location-sharing features mindfully: Only share your location when it's necessary or beneficial, such as during emergencies, travel, or group events.

Alternatives to Life360 for location sharing and communication

  • Temporary location sharing: Some messaging apps, like WhatsApp and iMessage, offer temporary location-sharing features that can be used when needed without continuous tracking.
  • Scheduled check-ins: Instead of relying on constant location sharing, establish a routine of periodic check-ins with family members or friends to provide updates on your whereabouts.
  • Explore other apps: Research and test alternative apps that focus on location sharing and communication, while offering a greater degree of privacy control. Some options include Glympse, Trusted Contacts, and Find My Friends (iOS only).

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We've discussed the importance of understanding Life360 circles, their benefits, and potential downsides. We've also provided a step-by-step guide to leaving a Life360 circle on both iOS and Android devices, highlighting the need for clear communication with circle members about your decision.

Life360 can be a valuable tool for staying connected and ensuring the safety of your loved ones. However, it's crucial to strike a balance between sharing information and respecting each other's privacy. Open communication with circle members about your preferences and boundaries can foster a healthy, supportive environment.

As you navigate the world of location-sharing apps, remember that maintaining personal autonomy and privacy is just as important as staying connected and safe. Be proactive in establishing boundaries and exploring alternatives that suit your needs while fostering a sense of connection and security with your loved ones.

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